How can I do more with my hosting?

17 December 2010

Install apps like WordPress and Joomla in just one click for Free

Since adding one-click script installs to our packages over 5 years ago our users have been installing scripts in seconds with minimal or no technical knowledge needed.

The program behind the one-click installs is called Fantastico and it allows you to install applications onto your website really easily and quickly.

The apps you can install allow you to do a variety of things with your website. Here are some examples:

  • WordPress is a powerful and easy-to-use blogging system – we use it to run this very blog
  • Joomla and Drupal are content management systems that help you build and manage your websites
  • phpBB gives you an online forum that’s ready to go. It’s the web’s most popular forum system

The aim of one-click install scripts is to remove all the hassle of installing them yourself. Instead of struggling through lengthy “read me” files to get them configured properly, you can get them installed in minutes. See the full list of applications.

Don’t like the app you’ve installed? Just replace it with another one or install a second script in another folder – there’s no restriction on the number of scripts you can install or try out, as long as you have a database available to do so.

In short, one-click install scripts make it easy to extend your website and use it in new ways. Whether you’re on our free or paid web hosting, you’ll have access to all of the one-click install scripts.

We will also perform a free installation of a CMS, forum or WordPress with all of our paid packages from Personal and above. Once registered simply contact Technical Support to request your free install.

How have the one-click installs made your life easier?