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When you're running an online business with us, you need to be sure that your website and customer data is safe and secure.
Having SSL (Secure Socket Layer) on your website prevents hackers, thieves and any other attackers from accessing your website and downloading personal information such as Names, Addresses, Credit Card details and Passwords.
In the last few years, customers have become more knowledagable about shopping safely online,
with many looking for the green padlock in the address bar.
In a recent survey, GlobalSign asked survey participants what makes them decide to buy from one website, but neglect another. For 85% of shoppers security was one of the top concerns, placing third as an overall reason people choose one site over another.
If you have a shared hosting account with us, you can set up your Free SSL Certificate through cPanel in just a few clicks.
If you have a Wordpress website you may need to take a few extra steps to change your website address from http:// to https://
If you need any help with setting up your SSL Certificate, please visit our helpdesk and our team will be happy to guide you.
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